Sunday, March 24, 2013

RaiNa's Review: Mizani & Cantu's NEW Natural Hair Product Review

This is my with my new PURPLE color by Adore. It's
a mix of Purple Rage & Violet Gem.
        I recently uploaded a new video to my youtube channel.  It was motivated by my new hair color and the challenges that it may bring.  I usually do not participate in product reviews on natural hair products because I honestly have not been pleased with many of them that are on the market.  Many of the ingredients do not fair well with natural afro/curly hair in my opinion. So in my case I have always opted to use simple oils such as Vegetable Glycerin and butters like Shea Butter to keep my hair groomed.  This new hair color had me trying new things.  Check out my video and rate it then comment to let me know your thoughts on the product.  Are you willing to try something new? Check it out & become a "TheGlamourBOXinc" youtube subscriber.

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